Here's what you can expect from your free consult:
I will listen to your major health concerns and individual needs. You may want to describe the health problems that concern you the most or the aspects of your health that you want help with.
After evaluating your health concerns and deciding whether I am fit to help you, you may be recommended a program that best suits your needs.
Members of this program can expect the following:
Every week, you will have the chance to meet with other members of your group and discuss health concerns with me, your dedicated health coach.
As your functional health practitioner, I will share advice on the best strategies, skills, and lifestyle recommendations related to health. As a group, we can work together to support and meet each other's health goals.
You will have access to continuous guidance and support from me. I will be your health journey and accountability partner for as long as you are part of the program.
You will receive discounts and exclusive offers on supplements and lab tests.
The 1-on-1 program offers the same benefits as the group program, in addition to:
You will have access to personalized, 1-on-1 coaching calls with me as your functional health coach. I may recommend a course of action and offer specific advice according to your individual health needs and goals. You will be accompanied by me throughout your complete health transformation, as long as you are a member of this program.
You will be provided with strategies, skills, and lifestyle recommendations to help guide your decisions related to health. These strategies, skills, and lifestyle recommendations are designed to help improve sleep quality, digestion, and overall energy, as well as reduce brain fog and unwanted weight gain. Many of these also apply to hormones and brain and gut health regulation.
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